How witchcraft caused Ugandan musician to fail in his career

• The singer added that his downfall came when he failed to meet the demands of a witch doctor

Clever J
Image: Courtesy

Once-famous musician Ugandan Clever J has revealed that during his heyday, he sought dark powers to unleash his hits.

This comes amid accusations that certain artists throughout the world use evil powers in their trade.

Gerald Muwonge, also known as Clever J, admitted to a Ugandan television station that he would go to shrines to seek recognition and success.

Manzi W'anani, Ensi Yaleeta, Fanya Kaazi, Sumulula, Monica, and Sweet Maama are just a few of the songs the singer is well known for in Uganda.

The performer continued by saying that his failure to comply with a witch doctor's demands was his undoing. He claimed that a sacrifice was requested of him.

"I was told to offer two bulls for my brand to stay on top."

He explained that the 'blessings and favor' he was getting started declining and songs started dropping in the music charts. The singer opened up about this as he is making a comeback.

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