Milly wa Jesus- My mum gave birth to me while in form four

• Milly Wa Jesus says she never planned on being a content creator.

The WaJesus Family
Image: Instagam

Milly wa Jesus has for the first time shared details about being born to a teenage mum.

In an interview with Priscilla Ndanu, Milly says life was not a bed of roses contrary to what many believe.

"My mum got me at a tender age, she was around 18. She was in her 3rd term in form four.

I was delivered at home, in Murang'a.

When she was about to give birth labour started as she was getting ready to go and sit for her KCSE exams.

My dad and my mum were not together at the time.

When I was born, my dad came home and ran away with my mum as my maternal grandmother was not OK with my mum getting married that young.

My dad used to work in Nairobi while my mum stayed at home.

At some point, they all moved to Nairobi."

Milly says life was not easy, especially in Primary school.

" In school, I was always shy, I was bullied.

People would steal your food. the school was near a dump site. I am where I am by the grace of God. At some point, the teacher would intervene.

By the time I was in class three, I knew nothing, It was that bad.

I would be called a dander head to my face. From a young age I knew  had to learn to be independent."


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