Ladies, take note: This is what attracted Stevo Simple boy to his wife

Stevo and his wife are looking forward to legalizing their marriage

•They met at Made In Kibera studios 

•Stevo is a Kenyan rapper

during an interview with Mpasho.
Stivo Simple Boy during an interview with Mpasho.
Image: Mpasho

Stevo Simple Boy is head over heels in love with his wife Grace Atieno. In an interview with Mzazi Willy M Tuva, Stevo said one of the reason he fell in love with her was her humility.

"She is submissive, She loves God and she is open with everything," he answered when asked why he loves her 

Asked whether, Grace is his legal wife, Simple Boy said he is in the process.

I speak to her family and I told them that I am the one with her. We are planning to have a family meeting to know where the dowry is gonna be taken because Grace's father is late and has a step-father. So we want to know where exactly we are taking the dowry, whether to her mother, her uncles or her step-father.

The marriage has not been legalised.

The rapper insisted that Grace is not a fiancee but a wife. The two met at Made In Kibera.

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