Things to know about Stevo Simple Boy's contract with MIB

In every deal signed, the label used to take 60% while 40% goes to the artiste.

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• Stevo Simple Boy has been in the news lately after his contract with a record label that used to manage him was terminated.

• The star was being managed with Men In Business (MIB), a record label owned by Vaga the Genius.

Stevo Simple Boy
Image: Instagram

Kibra Finest Stevo Simple Boy has been in the news lately after his contract with a record label that used to manage him was terminated.

The star was being managed with Men In Business (MIB), a record label owned by Vaga the Genius. 

Details of Stevo's contract with the said label have been disclosed as all the money they made together. 

Speaking to Obinna, Vaga revealed that the contract bound Stevo Simple Boy to some things.

Vaga said that he met Stevo after a blogger reached out to him, asking if he could manage the rapper.

At first, he declined because he had just lost his job, and didnt have the finances to manage Stevo.

The pressure piled and so he took up the challenge. He met the family -brothers, aunties, and uncles- in Kibera. 

Stevo moved into Vaga's house in 2022, in Eastlands after he agreed to manage him.

Stevo Simple Boy.
Image: Instagram

The contract terms were 60- 40 in favor of the label. In every deal signed, the label used to take 60% while 40% goes to the artiste. 

Vaga explained, "Of course, we are going to do everything for him. He agreed and called a few people to help him go through the contract,".

He added that the label was taking care of Stevo's Rent, Clothing, Transport, and shopping (Household items). 

 He started by re-branding the star by going for photoshoots, buying new clothes, and opening a new Instagram page.

The label and its producers created the first song, a collabo with Coast singer Adasa. 

A couple of months later, Freshi Barida was recorded and released. 

Stevo did five events in one year. The maximum he was paid was Sh50,000 but for the first gig, he was Sh30,000 according to the now former manager.

"I remember spending more money on PR coz msanii ndo anaaanza so a lot PR lazima ikue ndani," Vaga explained.

He alleges that he used more than what they were paid for the show.

Vaga did not have high expectations of the two years he was managing Stevo Simple Boy.

The label used to pay Stevo's rent, food, clothes, and other expenses for the one-bedroom house he stays in. The rent was Sh16, 000.

Stevo was dating Pritty Vishy at this time and he was allowed to visit her place regularly.

MIB never explored other avenues for income generation for Stevo, only focusing on music.

Stevo was to launch a soft drink company in August with his tagline 'Freshi Barida'. 

"He is not an expensive artiste and we spent at least Sh500K on him," Vaga said

The contract between MIB and Stevo was terminated recently and he was given 35 days for negotiations, transition, and handover with full access to all his social media pages.

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Stevo Simple Boy
Image: Instagram