'People are suffering,' Vanessa Mdee appeals

The singer asked people to be kind as they don't know what others are suffering from

• The singer asked people to be kind as they don't know what others are suffering from

Vanessa Mdee
Vanessa Mdee
Image: Instagram

Tanzanian singer, based in the US Vanessa Mdee is encouraging her followers to be kind to others as people are experiencing different things.

In a social media post, the mother of two said;

"Healing is a daily process, small progress is progress too, celebrate your journey. Be Kind. People are suffering from things they don't even know how to express. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 'My Grace is all you need, my power works best in weakness."

Vanessa has had a change of lifestyle since she relocated to the US months before covid 19 hit. The singer at one point had announced that she had left the music industry for good.

“The reason why I have to leave the industry is that I needed to choose my life, the music industry is demonic,” Vanessa said in a podcast.

“Now my fans are probably asking themselves right now ‘are you gonna never sing again? Are we never gonna see you perform?’ Let me reiterate. I love music, I love to create, and I love to perform. I’m a vessel.

This is what I was brought on earth to be, but maybe I was a vessel to be here in this moment to have gone through everything that I have gone through so that I can tell you most honestly the truth about things you will never hear somewhere else,” she explained herself further.

Vanessa and her fiance Rotimi are blessed with two kids.

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