Six things to consider before buying your first car

Planning on buying your first car? Here are things you should consider.

• If you are a hustler buying a car you can afford to avoid carrying around empty jerricans while looking for a petrol station.

Woman driving a car
Image: Photos For Class

It is every person's dream to own a car.

Sadly not everyone is able to see these dreams actualize.

Planning on buying your first car? Here are things you should consider.

Your family size

In case you have a family, it is important to consider the number of people who will be carried in the car.

This is important as it helps in reducing overloading gaming and other unnecessary stuff.


Assuming the car you are using is to be used for transportation, it is important to assess how much storage space is available.

The bigger the storage, the better it is for you.

Fuel consumption

Times have changed and so have the economic time.

One thing to consider when buying a car is how much fuel it consumes.

If you are a hustler buy a car you can afford to avoid carrying around empty jerricans while looking for a petrol station.


Believe me or not having insurance on your car is a must.

The big question however is, what type of insurance will you take?

There is a cover for the driver only, there is a cover for third parties among other things.

So before you sign that deal, be sure that is what you want.

The beauty of insurance is that it is not cast in stone hence companies can create something that suits you.


It is important to take note of the surroundings where you live before you consider buying a car.

The truth is some areas are more insecure than others hence they make you an easy target to kidnappers and thieves.

It is important to buy a car when you are sure where you will be parking your car, otherwise, you might find everything stolen the next morning.

Imagine living in the slums of Kibera and parking a V8, Chnaces are, it will be vandalized.

What other tip do you haver for someone considering buying a car for the first time?

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