The beautiful story behind Nyashinski's wife's clothing store

Her late sister was the motivation to make it successful

Piece by: Maureen Waruinge

• Zia initially felt mediocre but had to believe in herself using affirmations.

• She also attributes business to her husband's support.

Nyashinski and his wife Zia Bett.

Zia Bett is the wife of singer Nyashinski. She has been in the fashion business for ten years. She has a store at the village market as a fashion entrepreneur.

She is opening up about her journey to fashion and what her motivation was. Speaking on the Best Kept Secrets podcast Zia shared that her late sister was the key factor that pushed her to hit the ground running.

Before her death, her late sister had encouraged her and supported her to do fashion.

Zia told that she grew up loving fashion, and dressing her family, "I knew at that point I really like looking nice."

The Daystar graduate started selling clothes then, before traveling abroad where her sister lived who helped her set up a Facebook page to sell clothes.

"At this point, there was no online like IG that was full of businesses. There were also no bodas so I did deliveries myself."

She even sold clothes outside Nakumatt Lifestyle, adding the hustle back then was real.

"After a few months I was like this is a lot of work," She took her business to her home where customers would come to try out clothes in her room.

She did that for a few years until covid happened. This was a bit of a setback. She had a physical store and closed it.

"I freaked out, to be honest, coz I was like Idotn know if I can keep up with rent, so I was like let me close and restrategize."

She began local production, birthing the brand 'Made in Kenya'. There was a little bit of frustration but her sister's challenge pushed her on.

She got a designer, location, and fabric and hit the ground running. "I remember how scary it was and exciting."

She owes it to her late sister, "My sister had just passed. So I felt like I owed it to her to push this thing, coz she had seen it from nothing so I was like let me just do it for her. Let me get over my fears, be courageous seek counsel."

Zia also attributes her business to God too. plus a good support system from her husband and parents.

"Never once did they say that is not a good decision. You want people who are goal-oriented, who dream and also believing in yourself."

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