Genre Preferences: One prominent factor is the genre preferences of Kenyans. Bongo Flava, the dominant Tanzanian music genre, shares similarities with Kenya's Gengetone and Genge music styles however Tanzanian artists often bring a unique blend of Bongo Flava, Afrobeat, R&B, Lingala, Rhumba, Amapiano, dancehall, and Taarab elements.
These resonate deeply with Kenyan audiences especially those along the coastline and country sides, creating an instant connection and garnering a devoted fan base. This cross-genre appeal and melodious Swahili lyrics, allows their music to effortlessly transcend borders and captivate a broader audience.
Media Exposure: Kenya boasts a vibrant media industry with numerous radio stations, TV channels, and online platforms dedicated to promoting music. Zuchu and Diamond Platinumz have benefited from extensive airplay and media coverage, ensuring their songs reach a wide audience.
Their high end and captivating music videos, coupled with strategic marketing campaigns, have helped create a buzz and maintain a strong presence in the Kenyan music scene.
Additionally, their social media presence and engagement with Kenyan fans through platforms like Instagram and Twitter contribute to their growing popularity.
Stephen Letoo's home invaded by unknown people