Why its impossible for men to get pregnant

Pregnancy is only possible in people who have uterus and ovaries.


• Pregnancy in men is something that is still unprovable unless you are a transgender male.


Kenyan Tiktoker, Kinuthia, shocked many people with his pregnancy announcement, and to many people, it was impossible to hear of a man getting pregnant.

Because according to biology we all know that one needs a uterus to be able to carry the baby and even more so fertilization needs to occur.

The only way one can get pregnant is if one is a transgender male in simple terms one was born a lady and then decided to undergo procedures to become male.

Since the uterus is still intact and they usually are on birth control to avoid getting pregnant, there are chances that transgender males can get pregnant.

These people may have maybe a male body appearance but a female reproductive system or then a female body appearance but with a male reproductive system.

These are very rare cases though, with some even being born with both the male and female reproductive organs but the doctor suggests surgery for such so that one is removed.

Others are subjected to hormone treatment to be able to suppress whichever traits that are dominant in their bodies.

So for most of these transgender they take testosterone to help with boosting the male hormones in their bodies.

They are usually advised that at the time they want to conceive or get pregnant they have to stop taking these hormones so that the fetus can develop properly.

Surgeries can also, be done to remove one's uterus that is if the person doesn't want anything that could lead them to being able to carry a baby.

Some of the transgender people have also had pregnancies through treatments like IVF , artificial insemination and intrafallopian transfer.

The only way one would be able to have a pregnancy if born male is through uterus transplants and a lot would be needed to ensure that the pregnancy is carried successfully.

They would have to go through cesarean while giving birth since they don't have a birth canal, they would go through hormone treatment and immunosuppression treatment.

So it is still something that has been unheard of a man getting pregnant , as this is something that is still under research.

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