Safety measures you should ensure while using a cab

It is important to note not all cab drivers are uncouth


• Always ensure that while using a cab that you observe the following safety measures to ensure you don't fall victim to rogue cab drivers.

Image: google

Insecurity with cab drivers has been on the rise of late and you need to protect yourself adequately to ensure you don't fall victim.

This can happen to you while using any of the cab applications and the safety response may vary with each cab application.

Share your trip with people close to you

This helps to track your ride as it goes.

This is the fastest way to ensure someone knows your whereabouts so that they can also assist you if the safety helpline isn't working.

Sit at the back on the left side

In case anything fishy happens with the driver you can notice and seek assistance without alarming them.

From that position, you can also be able to break the windows if it gets to that point where you are in danger.

Ensure the number plate and car type matches the one you were shown in the app

Safety protocols when using a cab
Image: courtesy

Always trust your gut feeling or instincts even though not all cab drivers are bad you always have to be aware of your surrounding.

Do not fall asleep in the cab especially at night

You can also open your windows always for aeration so that you don't fall victim to the tactics whereby they drug you through the Air conditioning vents.

Especially if you are riding alone or you are intoxicated.

Don't allow the driver to change routes

Some drivers use the excuse that they know a shorter route, just let them stick to the route the map is showing.

When you get in contact with your driver before they come pick you up and you cannot seem to agree on the prices, ensure you cancel that ride.

Any form of reluctance and resistance should be met with firm decisions and stand your ground always so that they can see you aren't afraid.

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