Madam Joyce offered free holiday after her photos helping a needy pupil went viral

The teacher impressed Netizens after her photos of sewing one of her pupil’s torn school uniform went viral.

• The pupil eight-year-old pupil from Narok County could be seen wrapped in a leso as Madam Joyce tries to repair her uniform

• Her kindness touched many including Expeditions Maasai Safaris, CEO Pancras Karema who has now offered the teacher a fully paid vacation. 

Madam Joyce Malit
Image: courtesy

Madam Joyce Malit from Syiapei Primary School in Narok North Constituency has been offered a free holiday following the virality of her photo helping a needy pupil.

The teacher impressed Netizens after her photos of sewing one of her pupil’s torn school uniform went viral.

The pupil eight-year-old pupil from Narok County could be seen wrapped in a leso as Madam Joyce tries to repair her uniform

Her kindness touched many including Expeditions Maasai Safaris, CEO Pancras Karema who has now offered the teacher a fully paid vacation. 

He pointed out that it’s important to appreciate good deeds in society. 

“Dear friends, I would like to share a heartwarming story with you all. Recently, I heard about a teacher named Madam Joyce who went above and beyond her duty to sew a torn uniform for one of her pupils. It's acts of kindness like this that truly make a difference in a child's life.

As the CEO of Expeditions Maasai Safaris, I believe it's important to recognize & reward good deeds. That's why I'm asking for your help in locating Madam Joyce. We want to express our gratitude by offering her a well-deserved break with a free holiday,” Karema shared. 

Karema appealed to Kenyans to him find Madam Joyce so that he can reward her with a free holiday.

“If you know Madam Joyce or have any information about her whereabouts, please reach out to me directly on WhatsApp or Call +254796191919. Let's work together to show our appreciation for her selflessness & dedication to her students. 

“Thank you in advance for your help,” he appealed.

Sonko comes to the aid of a troubled Narok pupil
Image: courtesy

At the same time, former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has paid the pupil’s school fees arrears for the whole year.

He has also converted her day scholar routine to boarding to ensure she doesn’t struggle to attend school.

The pupil who was facing challenges in school due to her humble background was also walking for 6km daily between school and her grandmother’s house.

The former Governor has also promised to sponsor the pupil’s education until she clears her primary school. 

The former Governor who is well known for his philanthropy work also catered for the kid’s pocket money after he sent a total of Sh25,000 for her shopping in addition to the Sh21,000 he paid to the school for the pupil’s boarding and tuition fees.

Teachers at the school led by Joyce Malit who was pictured sewing her school uniform have welcomed Sonko’s kind gesture to the pupil saying the kid will now concentrate in school.

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