Dj Fatxo has celebrated his birthday in a shortish message he made on social media a few hours ago. He started his celebratory letter by quoting a Bible verse where King David praises the faithfulness of his God.
"I have been young, and now am old; Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread." ~ Psalms 37:5 πIβm delighted to celebrate another year of my life. Happy Birthday to me! Thanks a lot, God for giving me another year of life. 27," he noted.
He then urged Kenyans to be kind and recounted how tough the past year had been for him saying that he was thankful that he had been able to survive it all.
"Please be kind juu this past year will always be pensive... nimepitia mengi just like Gold which must go through furnace but the most wonderful truth is, Iβm not getting old, Iβm just becoming experienced.
I am grateful for surviving all the challenges throughout the last 365 days and turning a year older. Always do good to others it will come back to you in unexpected ways and pray for protection because there's a lot we can't see."
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