His wife Edday on Saturday, March 26th shared a video singing about being single again. She also edited out the Instagram bio that had been previously proclaiming she's a wife and a mother. She removed the wife bit and left the mother title.
In late February, a video of Samidoh alleging that his wife had cheated on him before marriage started trending again.
In the video, he added that at the time he was willing to give the marriage a chance but hinted he didn't fully forgive her for her actions.
This was after she issued an ultimatum to him about his baby mama Karen Nyamu. She told him she wasn't ready for polygamy.
She called Karen a homewrecker and too old for him, something the nominated Senator denied.
Samidoh has also been deeply affected by events surrounding Jeff's last minutes. While acknowledging that the pursuit for justice had shown good prospects, Samidoh said that he would like to see to it that the supposed killers of Jeff face the law.
"It has been 16 days of grief, confusion, and endless trips to relevant offices in pursuit of justice. I am glad we are finally headed in the right direction. Truth and justice will always go together."
"I wish to thank our Interior CS Kithure Kindiki for his intervention on this matter. I also wish to thank: Mwangi Muthiora and the entire social media family, Hon. Betty N Maina, Hon MejjaDonk Benjamin Gathiru, Hon Francis Kuria Kimani, Hon. Anne Muratha, and all the political leaders who have helped us amplify the cry for justice. We shall forever be grateful. Jeff, we shall not relent until we find justice for you," he said.
It was at the burial ceremony in early March that Samidoh finally acknowledged Karen Nyamu as his wife.
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