Real Housewives of Nairobi cast member Catherine Masitsa is excited about her debut on the TV show that airs on Showmax.
Speaking to Mwende Macharia on Radio Maisha, Catherine told fans of the show to expect drama.
She said, "I am extremely excited my fans, are excited, we were trending oh my goodness," Did she audition for her role?
"I'm a Queen, I don't go looking. But obviously, they need to see what is your camera presence so it was a process."
She is not afraid controversy will ruin her brand.
"No, I'm a self-made person. I am not there to fit in. I'm there to stand by myself to be me, to be real and that is what you will be seeing, so there's a lot of things happening on the sides but let me tell you something Mwende I'm a thoroughbred."
Going on to add,
"A thoroughbred horse, you've seen the horses at the racecourse? There's a lot of noise. Do you know why they wear the blinders? Because horses become very whimsical, even the power of cars is described by horsepower, so you put on your blinders and you run your race ."
Little is known about her life. she prefers to keep it that way. She grew up in a polygamous family.
She did mention she was raised by a single dad. Her mother walked out of her marriage.
"My mother died she was living ahead of her time. There are so many women in marriages just staying there. She said no it's been real you know what you look after the babies, tudu."
She has five siblings but in total, they could be over 20 children. "I love my daddy, serially he has I think four wives.
She was extremely complimentary of her dad's efforts raising her, something she explained to Mwende saying,
"But he is a great daddy and you know what, what I want to say is men give women identity, men give the girl child identity, I am not lost the world, I know who I am, like I really truly know, so he did an amazing job."
The most expensive wedding she has ever organized was for two million dollars. The cheapest? 'sh3k"
She prefers to stay bald because "My bank manager can have that conversation with you". Does she have a favorite cast member?
"You want to put me in a box eh? Listen I love all the ladies. They are all good I do not have a favorite."
On the fan theory that it is staged, she responded.
"How can you stage? Everything there is real, My car, my houses, everything, I'm there to live my real life."
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