Amira: Getting a man is the easiest thing

She is raising her two children after separating with Jimal

• Amira says getting a man is the easiest thing.

• She declined her ex-husband's public apology mid-2022.

Image: Instagram/Amira.

Businesswoman and content creator Amira says getting a man is the easiest thing. According to the ex-wife of Jimal Rohosafi, the issue presents itself when it comes to getting the right man.

Through her Instagram page, the mother of two said any woman who is single is by choice as any woman can get a man in her life.

"Being single is a choice for women. There is nothing like she can't get a man. A man is the easiest thing to get, it is getting the right man. Please don't let that go over your head."

Amira broke up with her husband Jamal Marlow back in 2021. She later declined his public apology in mid-2022.

She has since moved on with her life and has continuously convinced her online followers that she's currently happy with her new life, in her new home. She walked out of Jimal's life and took with her their two sons.

According to Amira, the apology had put her back in one of the darkest places in her life since so much disrespect happened during that time.

"It's heavy, can't comprehend it right now but I ask Allah to give me grace. Some wounds just don't heal, you have to learn how to live with them."

Amira also shared a message that talked about how a husband is supposed to treat his wife. In the video, a man could be seen taking care of the welfare of his wife despite her owning multiple businesses. 

"I still give my wife pocket money every week for her lunch and pocket money every month end for her hair and nails to still look hot for me even though she owns businesses because it is my marital duty as her husband,” the message read.

Amira endorsed the message saying;

"Dear husband, I hope you are built like this,".

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