Maina Kageni narrates how Rachel Ruto made him dinner at midnight

He met Ruto way back before he became a president

• Maina Kageni has recounted when the first Lady Mama Rachel Ruto prepared dinner for him

• Maina described her as a very welcoming mother.

Maina Kageni and first lady Rachel Ruto
Maina Kageni and first lady Rachel Ruto

Maina Kageni has recounted when the first Lady Mama Rachel Ruto prepared dinner for him at midnight during a visit their home.

In a recent interview on his YouTube channel, the Classic 105 breakfast presenter described her as a very welcoming mother.

He said he ever received a call from President Ruto when he was a DP to visit them at home and the first lady got up and made a meal for him although it was very late.

"He is a very nice person with a very homely place. Mama Rachel is another nice lady. I have been to their house way late at night when the then-DP wanted to see me. She still got up and still made a meal at about 11:30 pm. It was one of the most humblest things ever," he said.

Maina said he knew President Ruto from back then when he worked at Kiss FM.

"I used to call him for interviews and even call him on air just to wish Kenyans a merry Christmas," he said.

He described the president as a very smart person who correctly predicted how Kenyan politics would play out, as he made plans to be the President.

"The thing about President Ruto is that he pays attention to you and I love that about him. He is good with details and has got a good memory and he says what he thinks.

He knew what he would be facing in 2022 last year, 10 years ago. What he told me a few weeks after he was inaugurated as deputy president. 10 years later it played out the same way he had said. He is a very nice person," Maina said.

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