Mohammed Alby, widely known as "The King of Smiles" for his viral "Mambo Nation" trend, took to his social media pages and stated that he had been sued by several people for making them smile.
Below are some facts about him;
He is a former student of United States International University (USIU)and he pursued Journalism.
He is a creative cinematographer, a businessman, and also a mental health enthusiast meaning that his main aim in creating content is to spread positivity since the internet can be a very toxic place.
He started creating content in June 2021 and gained fame last year after doing random videos which involved approaching random people with some punch lines which made them laugh.
The TikTok creator has been sued and arrested severally since last year for bringing joy and positivity to people's lives.
He has almost 600K followers and over 100 million views on TikTok not forgetting his youtube channel with over 30k subscribers and 1.3 million views.
This is not the first time Alby has faced legal issues due to his content creation. Nine months ago, he posted on his Instagram story that he had been sued.
However, he maintained that the court cases had motivated him to grow the mambo nation to greater heights.
He said that the attacks actually made him feel like going all-in on his content creation journey which is different from this time.
Alby has indicated that he will continue to create content, but it will no longer involve interactions with strangers.
This decision has disappointed many of his fans, who have enjoyed his unique style of spreading positivity and making people laugh.
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