Why Daddy Owen's mum wants them to marry a 'Kienyeji' woman (video)

Owen is single after his marriage crumbled

• Daddy Owen's mum want them to get married and settle down before it is too late.

• Owen's brother went on to request his mum to help him get a Kienyeji.

Daddy Owen
Daddy Owen Daddy Owen
Image: Instagram

Daddy Owen's mum wants them to get married and settle down before it is too late.

In a recent video shared by Rufftone on his Instagram page, his mum is having a conversation with their younger brother advising him to settle down.

She goes ahead and asks him to look for a woman from the village since City women end up dumping them.

"These women you get in Nairobi end up disturbing you. They do not want development in the upcountry they just want to live in the city," Owen's mum said.

Owen's brother went on to request his mum to help him get a Kienyeji.

He went on to give the qualities of the woman he wants which included- light-skin, tall, and one who can cook ugali and give birth to about nine children.

He also asked his mum if he was allowed to get two wives.

She was not of the idea of him getting two wives.

"I have told you to get married. Get married and settle down life is not easy," she said.

A few months ago, Daddy Owen told Mpasho.co.ke that he was under pressure to marry again.

Even his mother and friends are worried about him living alone and visiting the family all alone.

"She tells me to even hire someone just to stop walking alone at home," he said.

"She is worried that I live alone, I walk alone."

Owen, 40, said by now he wanted to have finished siring children.

"I am not prepared since I understand it is not my decision alone, I need to have someone," Owen said that even with money, he is incomplete.

Asked if he is dating, Owen said he is still afraid that he might not make the best after his first marriage failed.

He then stated the qualities he was looking for in a woman.

He said he wants to date a village girl this time round.

"I am looking for a serious woman to date and marry. I am looking for a dark-skinned woman, very prayerful. She should be from the village," he said.

He also does not want to date someone in the limelight or a celebrity.

"I do not want someone who is always on social media platforms. Staki mtu wa TikTok," he said.

"I want someone who will be mine and not for the whole world. I want someone who will purely concentrate on our marriage, and make me traditional meals."

On how she dresses, Owen said her woman will not put on long trousers.

"I want someone who wears long dresses," he said.