Dennis Okari narrates one of his biggest life regrets

He took a loan to buy a car at 25 years.

• Dennis Okari will start a new program highlighting financial matters including forex trading. 

• Okari added that he is passionate about knowing people and hearing their stories.

Dennis Okari.
Image: Instagram/Dennis Okari.

Media personality Dennis Okari will start a new program highlighting financial matters including forex trading. 

Speaking in an interview with Adelle Onyango on the Social Newsroom, Okari said his show is inspired by lessons he had learnt through his financial mistakes and his successes.

"People know me as Dennis Okari the investigative journalist but I have been building other things around myself. That is what I do but that is not who I am," he said.

Okari added that he is passionate about knowing people and hearing their stories.

"Getting into the world of economy, I discovered that a lot of young people especially men are not taught about savings," he said.

Giving an example of one of the biggest financial mistakes he made during his youth, Okari regretted taking a loan to buy a car at 25 years. 

"Sometimes I look back and wish I had not done certain things like taking a loan at 25 to buy a car just because I had a job," he said.

"That was a terrible mistake. If I had someone to advise me I would not have done that."

Okari said he want to help young people. 

"What I discovered was that a lot of people do not go through the lessons that address that practical part of life. They don't think that they need to save and work hard. I am already thinking of the inheritance I will leave my children," he said.

He also noted that there were many scammers who presented themselves as forex trading experts but con unsuspecting Kenyans.

"I am privileged to have a lot of information on forex trading that people do not have. I want to share that with people who want to listen and if someone wants to pay me for that too then why not," he said.

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