How to handle bed wetting in adults

Trauma can also cause an adult to bed wet.

• Bed wetting is not only experienced by kids but by adults as well.

Reasons for bed wetting in adults.
Reasons for bed wetting in adults.
Image: Photos for class

Ever dated a man or woman who still beds wets?

Contrary to the belief bed wetting is not only common among kids but also among adults. Sadly it is something that can steal a person's joy and self-esteem.

This is because of the ridicule that comes with it, especially if the people around you are not supportive.

Some of the most common reasons for bed wetting among kids include

  • A blockage (obstruction) in part of the urinary tract, such as from a bladder stone or kidney stone.
  • Bladder problems, such as small capacity or overactive nerves.
  • Diabetes, can either be Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Enlarged prostate. Prostate enlargement happens to almost all men as they get older.
  • Medication side effects.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Fistula


How to handle bedwetting in adults

  • Don't drink right before bed. That way, you won't make as much urine. This also helps reduce the number of times one has to wake up to visit the washroom.
  • Use an alarm clock. Set it to wake you up at regular times during the night so you can use the bathroom.
  • Take medicines. ...
  • Bladder augmentation. This is a surgery that makes your bladder larger so you can hold more urine
  • Sacral nerve stimulation. Sacral Neuromodulation Therapy can help to restore normal bladder or bowel function and has been used to treat 200,000 worldwide.

    This therapy addresses the communication problem between the bladder/bowel and the brain that may be causing symptoms. a diagnostic trial of therapy is used for a few weeks to see if it is successful.

  • Detrusor myectomy. It involves removing part or all of the outer muscle layer that surrounds the bladder. This aims to reduce the amount and strength of bladder contractions.
  • Consider using absorbent pants at night.

Incase you know someone who still bed wets be supportive. It is not something to laugh about.

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