Leonard Mbotela on how he came up with, 'Je hu ni ungwana'

The veteran journalist revealed that he hadn't planned for the segment until he had a displeasing lunch encounter with friends

• He seemed to vividly recall that day as he almost "died" from shame.

• Mambo has been in the media space for over 40 years. 

Mambo Mbotela on how he came up with 'Je huu ni ugwana'
Image: Courtesy

Legendary media personality Leonard Mambo Mbotela in an exclusive interview with Mpasho's Hannie Petra revealed how he came up with his famous radio segment, "Je Huu ni Ugwana."

"It was on a weekend and after work, my colleagues and I went to Panafrica Hotel to have meals and some drinks winding down and all.

Of course, when you go to a hotel or restaurant you have to be patient and await your turn to be served by the staff but one of my colleagues didn't seem to understand that."

He seemed to vividly recall that day as he almost "died" from shame.

"So this fellow starts yelling loudly calling out asking if anyone is going to serve us. He shouting ooii ooii hakuna mtu hapa wa kutuserve."

But that was not the worst part.

Leonard revealed that there were high-profile ministers like the late Charles Njonjo, Dr. Gikonyo, and many others in their midst as well as other notable people enjoying meals at the high-end hotel.

"There were ministers there and they turned around and looked at us. Everyone was shocked and wanted to see who was making all this noise.

And I turned to my colleague and I was like tulia bana hapa si huko kibanda, hapa si huko tumezoea, huoni hapa ni pahali pengine.

 Unaona wakubwa wetu wako hapa.

It was embarrassing. 

Due to that, I coined the idea of looking at distasteful things in public, tabling them, and asking people je huu ni ugwana?" Finished off Leonard.

He takes pride in the idea of having come to him then even though he wishes the situation would've been avoided.

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