'Wako very useless.' Huddah warns against dating mama's boy

Huddah says mama's boys brought up by single mothers are the worst.

• Huddah is independent as she owns several companies.

She advises women against dating mama's boy.
Huddah Monroe. She advises women against dating mama's boy.
Image: Instagram

Kenyan socialite Huddah Monroe has advised women against mama's boy.

A mama's boy is a man who can never do anything in life without consulting their mum even when unnecessary.

According to Huddah, if you meet such a man, run and do not look back

”Number one red flag when you meet a guy is that grown a$s man who stays on phone for hours with mommy…. Lol Like wtf?

Huddah justified herself by quoting the bible which supports a man leaving his parents to become one with the woman they want to spend their life with.

"Even the Bible says, man, shall leave his father and mother, and be with his wife. And become one flesh. Get the fvck outta that relationship sis.”

In conclusion, Huddah says most men considered mama's boys never change

"And no lies told, most mommas boys are very useless men to date, esp the ones whose mothers are alone. Don’t waste your time my sistaz! She is there until the end of time. The son will only really settle when she is no more or she finds a husband.”

What are some of the signs that a man is a mama's boy?

He runs every decision by her.

Consulting your parents and getting an insight into a certain issue is good and healthy.

But when your husband always consults the mother on major decisions in his life such as buying a piece of land, deciding the school to take his kids to, and what to do with his salary, can raise an alarm as that is too much.

They even can make a choice on petty issues such as, what to wear for a certain occasion he is supposed to attend, and which wine to order on a dinner date with their wife.

 She always visits unannounced

Men who are okay with their mothers visiting abruptly without calling prior so that certain arrangements can be made are always looking for trouble.

They are often intruding on your privacy, complaining about how you live in your own home, and often dictating how you should treat her son.

He can't survive on his own

These types of men never know how to do things for themselves.

The majority of them don't know how to clean their own clothes, cook for themselves, do the dishes, mop the house and even decide which meal to cook if left by themselves.

They certainly can't take care of their own kids if they are left with them. They are often untidy and very disorganized when it comes to tidying up their homes.

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She advises women against dating mama's boy.
Huddah Monroe. She advises women against dating mama's boy.
Image: Instagram