Nini Wacera, a Kenyan actress, spoke candidly about her life with Parents Magazine in their October issue.
Nini graced the cover of Parents, where she discussed her work, being in the spotlight, parenthood, and mental health.
The actress opened up about having an abortion at the age of 19, a decision she has battled to accept. It ripped her to the core, she said.
Wacera reflected on how, as a teen, she was divided between wanting to keep the pregnancy and not being able to be a parent at the age of 19.
“I feel like it's one experience in my life that ripped me to the core of my soul because it was traumatic.
That abortion took like the whole day. After all, you’re the loose girl who had sex with your boyfriend and got pregnant.”
On her Instagram, the Country Queen actress continued about her struggles saying;
"My story, like most, isn't pretty and it was through determined effort, holding on to an idea and trusting God (sometimes losing faith) that I made it here."
The teen pregnancy and thoughts surrounding her fate led her to attempt suicide.
She passionately asked that more be done for mental health matters in Kenya.
Nini is a mum of one.
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