'I transported my child's corpse in a bus' -Bahati Bukuku

She transported her child's corpse via a public bus as she was not financially stable.


• Bukuku tried committing suicide severally to no avail.

• She transported her child's corpse via a daladala as she was not financially stable.

she was forced to transport her child's corpse in a matatu
Bahati Bukuku. she was forced to transport her child's corpse in a matatu

Celebrated Tanzanian artist Bahati Bukuku has reminisced on being forced to carry her child's corpse via a public bus known as daladala.

The 'Waraka Wa Amani' hit maker lost her child after suffering multiple miscarriages which finally broke her marriage.

Speaking during an interview with Upendo Media she said

" After I gave birth my child died after being hospitalized for a while.I tried calling my now ex-husband but he wouldn't pick up my calls."

Bahati says the doctors were pressuring her to clear the bill before allowing her to pick up her child's corpse.

"The bill was more than Tsh1 million

I did not have the cash to clear the bill so I told the doctor to either give me my baby's corpse or bury it himself."

Before then the artist had prayed and asked God to intervene, which he did.

She was given her baby's remains but she had no way to take them home.

"I transported my child's corpse with a daladala.

The corpse was carried by some women who had come to console me while I went in a different car.

I was still confused at the time so the women just wrapped the baby as if it was just sleeping."

Sad, tears
Depression Sad, tears
Image: Photos for class


"On reaching home my dad called my now ex-husband and asked where the corpse would be buried."

During her pregnancy, Bahati had tried to commit suicide to no avail.

"At some point I became suicidal. At one point I stood by the road and wanted to throw myself down so that the cars could hit me.

I was pregnant at the time, and passers-by saw me and pulled me away from where I wanted to commit suicide from. I became unconscious, so they took me to the hospital."

She says she has now healed and can laugh about some of the things she went through.She advised anyone going through a tough time to hang in there as tough times don't always last.

Counselors, medics, and psychologists advise that you can always reach out for help when experiencing any mental health issues. Call Kenya Red Cross toll-free hotline, 1199 for support.

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