William Ruto flaunts his daughters, explains why sons missed UDA event

He apologized for the absence of his sons Nick and George.

• Ruto introduced his wife Racheal as his friend and the love of his life.

Charlene Ruto at Kasarani
Image: Mercy Mumo

Deputy President William Ruto wowed many after he introduced his beautiful daughter during his coronation at Kasarani Stadium.

Ruto was tasked with the job of introducing his family not only to the delegates but to his millions of followers.

He apologized for the absence of his sons Nick and George Ruto.

"Here with me is my friend and the love of my life Racheal Ruto,I also have my daughters June Ruto and Charlene Ruto. I apologize my son Nick did not get permission from his place of work to be able to come here, ni sawa tu he will come another day. The other two are in school,"he said.

June Ruto at UDA NDC
June Ruto at UDA NDC

Ruto was speaking during UDA's National Delegates Conference.

Among the leaders present are Governor Anne Waiguru, UDA Secretary-General Veronica Maina, chairman Johnstone Muthama, Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua and Kandara MP Alice Wahome

The DP is expected to be endorsed as the UDA's presidential flagbearer.

He will face Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga in the August elections.

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