'How inhuman!' Anerlisa responds to KRA closing down Keroche

May God help us all - Anerlisa

•  A defeated Anerlisa said, "How inhuman can one get? At this point, I'll leave everything to God."

Anerlisa Muigai
Image: Courtesy

Keroche heiress Anerlisa Muigai has spoken out on how the closure of the brewery is affecting her business Nero Company.

"It's so sad that Keroche has been shut down and nobody seems to want to listen, help or negotiate," Anerlisa said in a statement posted n her Instagram stories.

"We ( Nero Company ) happen to share the same compound with them and I must say, it has been very sad seeing Keroche closed for two months and even worse, about 650 people are stranded wondering when Keroche will start being operational and are also at risk of losing their jobs," she added.

Anerlisa noted, "Every time I ask myself if at all a big company like Keroche can be shut down just like that how do we and other upcoming businesses get the strength to continue running our businesses?"

She continued, "How do you get your taxes paid by closing Keroche and on top of that you tell all the banks not to give them a loan. How inhuman can one get? At this point, I'll leave everything to God. May God help us all."

Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja took to Twitter and posted a statement detailing the loss the company in making with the closure. They include;

i) Loss of 2 Million Litres of beer in the tanks under fermentation worth Kshs.512 Million.

ii) Loss of 250 direct jobs originating from all over Kenya whose livelihoods depend on the existence of the company.


iii) Loss of income to thousands of Kenyans who are indirectly involved in the distribution network. iv) Erosion of the Investors confidence both Local & Foreign

Tabitha added, "My question to you all is: If there is an issue, do you kill the hen that lays the eggs or you find out why the hen isn’t laying more eggs and you fix that situation?"

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