Has Maria actor, Luwi, converted to Islam for love?

Brian Ogana aka Luwi with his girlfriend
Image: Courtesy

Love will sometimes cause people to make major changes in their life; from where they live, to the career they chose, to the hobbies they have, people will make significant changes if they feel it will help with their relationship.

Actor Briana Ogana aka Luwi from the Maria series may have converted from being a Christian to being a Muslim. This is according to a post that his Muslim girlfriend, Miss Honey Bee, made on her Instagram page.

In the post, Honey Bee introduced him with an Arabic statement saying, "Assalam Alaikum I present to you JUNAID OGANA 🤗🤗🤗"

What added to the seriousness of the occasion was the Islamic scarf (Kaffiyeh) that Brian was wearing in the photo that was attached in the post.

Luwi might have changed his religion to signal that he is committed to this relationship and wants to marry Miss Honey Bee.

According to Islamic doctrine, a Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or Jewish woman (but no other non-Muslim).  A Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man.

So in many cases, a man who isn't a Muslim will convert for his wife's sake so that the marriage can be well-supported by her family and community.

We called the actor numerous times to confirm whether he had indeed changed religions, but unfortunately couldn't reach him.

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