Harry Porter actor in Kenya, star-struck by the night sky

• Derek Hough gushed, "I was like a kid tonight. Felt like I was Experiencing the sky for the very first time."

Derek Hough
Derek Hough
Image: Instagram: Derek Hough

Harry Potter actor Derek Hough is in Kenya on safari.

The American professional Latin and ballroom dancer, choreographer, actor and singer, was mesmerised by the Kenyan night sky.

"Wow. I'm so happy about this. I'm here in Kenya. I have taken shots of the sky and literary never seen the sky so beautiful and clear like you can see them with your naked eyes," the record-breaking six times winner of  Dancing with the Stars said. 

Adding, "I have never taken pictures like this before. This is insane."

In an instagram post, Derek wrote, ""KENYA SKY”. Photography has been a hobby of mine for the past decade. But tonight I think I captured my favorite Night shots to date."

He continued:

"The stars in Kenya are so clear you can see the Milky Way with your naked eye. I found myself tearing up at the vast beauty which was engulfing and surrounding me everywhere I looked. Since we are in Kenya, and in the middle of absolutely nowhere we had to have a guard with us to watch out for wildlife that might want to have us for a snack. That just added to the excitement of getting these pictures."

Derek explained, "Hayley had the red blanket so hopefully they would’ve gone for her first ;)jk. I posted a video showing the raw images on my camera because honestly I couldn’t believe the pictures myself, they looked fake and photoshopped.

Anyways, I was like a kid tonight. Felt like I was Experiencing the sky for the very first time. We truly live on a beautiful and magical planet. Many many more images and videos to come from our time here in Africa. Stay tuned."

Check out the photos below.