Akothee's sister comforts Rue Baby after being shamed for being 'skinny'

Akothee's sister comforts Rue Baby after body shamming

  • Beauty falls in the eyes of the beholder
  • Nobody enjoys the monopoly of good looks
  • We are made according to his likeness
Rue Baby
Image: Instagram

Akothee's sister, Cebbie Koks has comforted her niece after body shamming from social media trolls. 

In a post on her Instagram page, Cebbie explained to Rue Baby that beauty was a rational factor, and she was perfect. 

"Dear daughter, even with the scientist explanation of beauty, you fit perfectly well. We long to be this proportionate. We long to be this lean and smart. Let no one tell you anything less because you were born well.

This here is what the Phi ratio or golden ratio, you are still the perfect fit," she told Rue Baby.

Cebbie went ahead to explain the beauty paradigm and why what is beautiful in one's eye is not on another's. 

"Good Looks/Beauty/Ugly, is a creation of human beings who suffer from incompleteness. Those who notice beauty in everyone and everything innocent are complete in their minds and confident about themselves.

Their programming is aligned to the very first instinct of humankind, "in His wonderful and fearful image, we were made according to His likeness."

I think features alone can not define a person and the standards calibrated in us through movies, magazines and Ads are just but fellow human's metric. Often, we see people's looks not as it is , but as per the golden ratio indoctrinated in us," Cebbie explained. 

"Admittedly, no research speaks about a standard template, however, Scientists explain objective beauty as a mathematical ratio. Truth is, nobody enjoys the monopoly of "good looks".

Apparently, the inwarYou find my big head ugly, someone else sees eyes and concludes, " what a beauty"The difference is summarized as," Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder" interestingly, it's difficult to explain the difference in people's beauty language and what captivates them."

Recently, Rue decried online bullies criticizing her for being too skinny. She said it was more saddening that her fellow women were at the forefront in calling her 'ugly.