Photos That Prove DJ Sadic Is The Most Stylish DJ In Town (PHOTOS)

Piece by: Queen Serem

He is the mix genius and one of the most celebrated DJs in town...I'm talking about DJ Sadic, the host for a local gospel shows called Tukuza and Tendereza.

This guy has got a taste! good taste.

He has graced our TV screens with his attractive sense of fashion. Forget his catchy dreadlocks, DJ Sadic has recently proven that he is the most stylish DJ in town.

Even though the main aim of TV is to present the best, DJ Sadic ascribed to the saying, "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance". That is Aristotle, by the way.

The TV decks-master ensures his art form is represented well both outwards and inwards. And thus, his appearance can tell it all.

Sadic has been showing up to work looking dapper. His new signature look is a well-fitting suit that compliments his lean stature.

Huyu sasa apewe endorsement za masuti, pris.

Check out his fantastic swanky style;