Six home remedies to keep your skin glowing during quarantine -List

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

With most people being at home during this coronavirus pandemic, here are easy home remedies one can follow to ensure your skin keeps glowing.

 1. Mask or scrub at least three times in a week

Masking helps open the closed up pores of your skin. One can make his/her mask at home or buy a ready-made mask from a beauty shop.

Three days a week helps your skin relax and rejuvenate as needed.

2. Drink at least three liters of water

Water helps in getting rid of toxins in our body through urine.

One way to ensure you drink enough water is by putting water in a bottle strategically such that you feel the need to drink even if you were not thirsty.

3. Exercise

Exercising releases happy hormones, it also helps remove toxins when you sweat which is good for the skin.

So every time you can put in a workout no matter how much little time you have, after all, it's the effort that counts.

4. Get enough rest

Getting enough sleep is also another way of ensuring your skins keep glowing.

The body repairs itself while we rest

5. Steam your face

Another way to ensure you don't come out of quarantine with a cracked skin is by steaming.

One can buy a steaming bucket from a beauty shop, boil water put your face at the mouth of the bucket and cover yourself with a dry towel.

The steaming helps open up pores and gives your skin a chance to breathe.

What are some of the other things you do to keep your skin smooth while at home?