Drama Unfolds On Twitter As Oburu Odinga And Ruth Odinga Savagely Attack Fidel's 1st Wife!

Piece by: Uncle Chim Tuna

I am speechless. never before in my 26 years on God's green Earth have I ever witnessed such savage bashing! Was it called for? I would go as far as to say not only was it uncalled for, it was wrong. First, a quick recap:

The immediate family of the late Fidel Odinga, a man who has been eulogized as being a man of the people stood to address the crowds. And what they had to say was simply savage!

First, Ruth Odinga, Spoke and told the nation that she never really did like Fidel's first wife, Veronica Wanjiru Ng’ang’a. And her suspicions also stemmed from the fact that she "refused" to give Fidel a "successor". According to her, she was always against the marriage and she was vindicated when Fidel indeed sought a divorce and then came and told her,

"You were right"

In the same breathe, Lwam was thanked for giving Fidel an heir. And if you think it ended there, it is didn't. Oburu Odinga stood to talk and what he said at first seemed to mitigate any damage Ruth Odinga's speech wrought but things took a turn for the worse. Starting off by asking people to understand that the family is emotional because they are grieving -then things went downhill...

oburu squarely placed the blame for a lack of heir being sired in Fidel's 1st union at Wanjiru "Shiru"s" feet. And trust that the Kenyans on Twitter are already reacting: