Disgusting: Alex Mwakideu reveals why he hates it when Joho wears shorts

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

Milele fm radio host Alex Mwakideu is unhappy with the fact that  Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho continues to expose his thighs by rocking shorts.

According to Alex, rocking shorts is not an issue but the length of the shorts Joho wears is

He is stylish but I really hate it when he wears shorts.

His stylist is really irritating me these days.

He is a father, a governor, an ODM leader so wearing a short that shows off his thighs is displeasing.

Jalangoo defended Joho arguing that Mombasa is an all time summer time town

He cannot dress like Ojamong or dress like Turkana governor Nanok.

When you reach Mombasa you should know you have come to rest and relax, I even wonder why Mombasa women rep does not wear a bikini.

How will we know we have reached Mombasa by looking at a suit.

Every governor should wear something that markets their county.