Dating Requirements Every Campus Girl Expects You To Meet.

Piece by: Linda Pepper

So there is this campus lass you have been eyeing for sometime now. Finally you gather the guts to approach her and ask her out...... Hold your horses. Consider the list below as then make your move.

1. Drive.

It is impossible to date a campus girl if you have no car. She wants you to pull up at the hostel parking lot and hoot so everyone can look out their window and see her traipsing down the stairs and getting in your car. You also have to drop her back to campus. In fact, if  you have one of those cars that are really loud, even better. That will attract more attention.

2. Take her somewhere really fancy.

You cannot, under whatever circumstances take her to a 'chips and chicken' joint. You need to take her somewhere really fancy. Somewhere with hot towels and not a sink with a kipande soap for washing your hands. Make sure it is a three to seven-course meal. And that place needs to have a powder room with wall-length mirrors. Somewhere she can take geo-tagged selfies, evidence to brag to her friends that she was really there. Try not to be surprised if she is unable to use a fork and knife.

3. Do not be surprised if she brings a friend.

It's one of the world's mysteries why girls bring their friends to dates. Is it part of the Girl Code that when you are invited for a date you must bring your friend. Why haven't I ever been told about it? I digress. Guys, apparently the bringing of friends to dates is a thing, for whatever reasons known to these girls. So don't be shocked if she brings one or her whole group of friends instead, try to be civil to the intruder(s).

4. Pay For The Date

There is no such thing as going Dutch. She expects you to pay for every expense on the date. Everything she and her gang of friends will eat. To be safe, carry twice the amount you expect to spend. These girls are crazy. They will see a pair of shoes and look at you expectantly. Some might even expect you to give them some 'pocket money' after the date. Yes, even after you've paid for the date and dropped her back to school.

5. Make Another Date

After she has squeezed your pockets dry, she expects you to still want to see her again. She will probably try to corner you into making concrete plans by saying things like, "My classes end on Thursday at 4. Yes even without you asking. So you should make a date and hope that if you are lucky, next time, she won't bring a friend(s).

There you have it. A clear guideline to dating a campus girl. Is it worth the trouble? You decide. Don't despair though, we aren't all bad. I promise.