Daima Mimi Mkenya! Here's What Kenyans Should Know About Elections

Piece by: Caren Nyota

With a few days remaining to the 26th October re-election, it's important for Kenyans to know these five important things.

  1. We are one

Come rain come shine always know that as a nation we're one. No one from outside will refer to you as a Kikuyu, Luo or Kamba. We are all Kenyans. In whatever we do, no matter what happens just know we will be referred to as one. So whatever you decide to do, think about its consequences.

2. There are no permanent enemies in politics

Why fight or kill your fellow Kenyan in the name of elections? The politicians you fight for are each other's best friends and rarely will you see them viciously attack each other. They only 'fight' politically to woe voters to choose the best leader. Don't be used as a vessel of hatred on social media brethren.

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3. The real winners are the politicians, voters are the losers

Whether you shed blood or not, politicians will always emerge the winners. After voting them in, they will be taking home huge sums of money every end month while you still languish in abject poverty. It's high time Kenyans unite and say no to tribalism and shun away from politicians who spread nothing but hate.

4. A lot of disappearances, murders, assaults happen during this time

We have seen many disappear without a trace during elections period and it is advisable for you to take care of yourselves and refrain from ethnic politics.

5. Politics come and go

Always have in mind that, political seasons come and go. Don't kill yourself or fellow Kenyan just because your candidate lost. Also, before you utter any tribal comments, ask yourself, are you going to build the nation, unite Kenyans, hurt someone or divide the country?

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