Embu MCA unleashes gun at a club leaves revelers in panic


•The incident happened on Sunday at about 2 am.


A former Member of the County Assembly in Embu is being sought by the police after he was involved in a gun drama in Embu Town on Sunday morning.

The ex-MCA is a licensed gun holder, police said.

He is said to have had an altercation with a reveller at a popular club in the town that degenerated into a shooting.

According to police and witnesses, the incident happened on Sunday at about 2 am.

The two are among revellers who were at the club when the incident happened.

The former MCA reached for his pistol and fired into the air before fleeing the scene.

The gunshots sent panic at the establishment as other revellers took cover for their safety.

This is after the altercation went physical.

Police say no one was injured from the shooting but some revellers sustained bruises as they scampered for their safety.

Police visited the location and recovered one spent 9mm cartridge and one live 9mm round, which were kept as exhibits.

Efforts to trace the former MCA were ongoing and police have told him to surrender for questioning.

Other witnesses recorded their statements over the drama as part of the probe into the shooting.

Gun possession and use can be dangerous depending on the circumstances one is.

There are plans to disarm the MCA of the weapon for ballistic tests and analysis as part of the probe into the drama.

Officials discourage use of the weapons to scare unless one’s life is in danger. However, this depends on the circumstances.

The government had 20018 announced the vetting of civilian firearms holders following increased cases of fake certificates that were in circulation.

Some of the holders were also misusing the weapons.

The vetting process involves psychiatric assessment by a Government psychologist, criminal record checks, and ballistic testing of the weapons and ammunition by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

There are more than 11,000 licensed gun holders in the country and the figures are growing due to the demand, officials say.

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