Doctor cuts off bf's genitals after failing to turn up for their wedding

• The accused woman said she became enraged when her fiancé continued to refuse to marry her despite being engaged for five years.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

A female doctor has cut off her boyfriend's genitals in an act of revenge after he failed to show up on their wedding day.

The 25-year-old female doctor is accused of carrying out the attack in Bihar, eastern India, on Monday, according to local reports.

Her boyfriend, from Madhaura, was rushed to Patna Medical College and Hospital for emergency treatment following the brutal attack.

The accused woman said she became enraged when her fiancé continued to refuse to marry her despite being engaged for five years.

According to Mail Online, the couple later agreed to marry in court. However, on their wedding day, the woman's fiancé failed to appear at the altar.

After waiting for him to join her at the court, she returned home, where she invited him over.

When he arrived, unaware of her plans to attack him, she allegedly cut off his genitals with a knife. Neighbours reportedly heard his screams and informed the police about the attack.

When the police arrived at the scene, they found the severely injured man lying on the bed in a pool of his own blood.

“The woman is a 25-year-old unmarried doctor from Hajipur. She was practicing in Madhaura. The victim is also unmarried,” said an officer from the Madhaura Police Station in Saran district.

“We have arrested the suspect, and further investigation is ongoing,” he added.

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