Campus student murdered after kidnapper demanded a Sh 20,000 ransom

• The family had already sent Sh 20,000 of the ransom demanded.

• Faith Musembi was a student at Mount Kenya University in Thika.

MKU student Faith Musembi murdered

Faith Musembi, 19, a student at Mount Kenya University (MKU) was found murdered hours after unknown people demanded for ransom from her family.

Musembi who hails from Machakos

Her lifeless body was discovered by her father in her rented room at Pilot Estate within Hospital Ward in Thika.

According to her distraught father Boniface Musembi, Faith's killer/s had used her phone and demanded for a Sh 20,000 ransom on Wednesday 8th,5,2024.

Faith's mum immediately sent the cash hoping to save her daughter's life to no avail.

On reaching Thika, Faith's dad allegedly reported his missing daughter to the Thika Police Post but the matter was dismissed.

 Musembi went back to her residence and broke into his daughter's house only to find her lying dead inside.

He had previously knocked on the door but no one answered.

According To Citizen Joseph Kinaka, the deceased’s uncle said he texted her phone number on WhatsApp on Thursday morning and received a response demanding a ransom of Ksh.33,000, failure to which she is killed.

The suspect/s sent Faith's uncle a photo. Upon close examination he saw blood oozing from her nose, and that she had bit her tongue.

The individual admitted to having already killed the girl.

The phone, when tracked, was found to be operating from Nairobi town.

An autopsy conducted at the Thika General Kago Funeral Home revealed the MKU student succumbed due to excessive bleeding.

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