Man sentenced to 100 years for stabbing co-worker for stealing his lunch

• Bazn Berhe has been handed 100-year sentence with 30 years suspended, meaning he will serve at least 70 years

A US man has been slapped with a 100-year jail sentence for murdering a coworker who stole his lunch.

The man Bazn Berhe, 25, is said to have committed the crime in 2021, where he meticulously planned the murder over several days.

Berhe was angry his co worker 58 year old Hernana Leiva had taken his lunch. The two worked for supermarket Target in Virginia.

After discovering his lunch was taken by Leiva, a janitor on April 14, 2021, Berhe purchased a hammer and two knives the following day.

He spent April 16 "training for the murder."

On April 17, Berhe waited for Leiva in the employee parking lot and brutally attacked him upon his arrival, stabbing and bludgeoning him to death before fleeing.

According to,  Berhe confessed to the crime immediately and pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in October 2023.

At his sentencing, prosecutors emphasized Berhe's threat to harm others if not given a severe sentence.

Bazn Berhe was handed the 100-year sentence with 30 years suspended, so he will serve 70 years of active incarceration.


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