43-year-old man stabs ex-wife and her lover in Kiambaa


•James made his way to his ex-wife's apartment just before she had left for work where he allegedly stabbed her multiple times before proceeding to stab her 25-year-old lover, identified as Mbugua by the neighbors.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

James Ndegwa Kimani a 43-year-old man was arrested this morning following an alleged attack on his ex-wife and her current lover.

According to witnesses the forty-three-year-old man and his ex-wife have been separated for quite a while following marital disagreements.

After the separation, the wife moved out to rent an apartment at Kiarie, Kiambaa where the suspect this morning is believed to have attacked. 

The witnesses have also disclosed that the grieving man didn't cope well with the separation. This morning, James reportedly visited his ex-wife's apartment just before she left for work.

Allegedly, he stabbed her multiple times and proceeded to attack her 25-year-old lover, identified as Mbugua, according to information from the neighbors.

The Kiambaa police responded to the scene and apprehended the suspect. After committing the heinous acts, he had locked himself inside the apartment, apprehensive of the crowd that had gathered.

DCI detectives also arrived at the crime scene to gather evidence for their ongoing investigation.

Neighbours, condemning this atrocious crime, expressed the view that the man, once separated, should have accepted the situation and moved on, as his ex-wife had.

"... sasa ile kushtuka tumeshtuka ni bwana aliachwa, hataki kuachiaka, bibi alikubali na yeye hataki kukubali..." one of the neighbors said.

The two victims were rushed to the PCFA Thogoto. The two are scheduled to be treated with Mbugua's injuries being much worse than those of the lady.

Kimani has since been arrested by police and is currently in custody.

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