Mama Dangote: Why the 7th birthday is a key date for Diamond Platnumz's kids

• While Diamond showers his kids with love and creates joyful memories on trips and stage, questions about their primary residences remain.

Diamond Platnumz and his kids
Image: Instagram

Mama Dangote, Diamond Platnumz's devoted mother, has offered a glimpse into the singer's vision for raising his children from previous relationships.

While Diamond showers his kids with love and creates joyful memories on trips and stage, questions about their primary residences remain.

In a recent Wasafi TV interview, Mama Dangote shed light on the potential timeline for the children's future, suggesting a possible shift at age seven.

"Until they turn seven, the children primarily stay with their mothers," she explained. "But during holidays, or even if we miss them, they can come visit anytime. It's an open door."

However, she emphasised the importance of shared decision-making: "Ultimately, the children's parents have the final say. They might choose to raise them in Europe or America."

Addressing concerns about Diamond's youngest son, Naseeb Jr., Mama Dangote clarified his recent move to Kenya.

Tanasha Donna's stay in Tanzania was temporary for work commitments, and Naseeb Jr. simply joined her and returned upon her departure.

His education remains a priority, assured Mama Dangote, as he can seamlessly transition to the Kenyan branch of his international school, maintaining continuity in his studies.

While eldest daughter Tiffah, already eight, spends considerable time with her father, the overall picture seems to prioritize flexibility and shared responsibility, ensuring the children's well-being in a loving environment, regardless of their physical location.

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