Police officer arrested after allegedly snatching a phone in Mombasa


•The woman was buying fruits from a vendor where the suspect had allegedly parked a Tuk Tuk waiting for passengers.

Crime Scene Tape
Image: FILE

A police officer has been arrested after he allegedly snatched a mobile phone from a woman in Mombasa before taking off.

A police report states that the woman was buying fruits from a vendor where the suspect had allegedly parked a Tuk Tuk waiting for passengers.

“After snatching the mobile phone, a Samsung Galaxy A31, he attempted to take off prompting the fruit vendor to hang on the Tuk Tuk and demand that he return the phone,” reads the report.

The mobile phone is said to have been valued at Sh25,000.

After successfully managing to recover the stolen phone, the vendor jumped off after the man allegedly pulled out a knife and brandished threatening to stab him.

Police who were on patrol are said to have been alerted forcing them to give him a chase before they finally arrested him.

He was arrested and taken to Central police station where he is currently being held awaiting to be arraigned.

It was after a search that it emerged that the suspect was a police officer.

“Upon search, the suspect was found with card of appointment bearing his name, he identified himself as a police officer attached to DCI Kibish in Turkana,” the report states.

The incident comes after the arrest of another officer who allegedly stole a phone and laptop from a Nigerian in Kitengela.

The officer had been sent to a crime scene to help in the probe of an incident where a man is said to have collapsed and died.

The items were, however, recovered.

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