70-year-old Isiolo woman has throat slit by son


• The killer weapon was found next to the body long after the incident.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

In a strange occurrence that occurred in Sololo, Isiolo County, a 70-year-old man had his throat cut during a fight with his son.

According to police, Safo Wako's body was discovered in a pool of blood in the Manyatta Dibu Dadacha neighbourhood.

A crew that went to the scene reported that a panga, the murder weapon, was discovered near to the decapitated body.

In order to continue looking for the alleged attacker, police took the body to the mortuary.

Police claim that the deceased's 28-year-old son is still missing following the incident.

Police said they are still looking for him in order to figure out his motivation and take further appropriate action.

A 35-year-old guy passed away elsewhere in Meru following an alleged attack.

On October 9, a known individual attacked Julius Mutuma Mubichi at the Gaokoromone market, according to the police. Five days after the injuries, he passed away.

In the meantime, a guy in Mau Summit, Nakuru County, struck and murdered another person during a dispute over a dog.

After being knocked on the head, Kennedy Too passed away in the hospital. He did this after kicking a dog that was crossing the road close to where he was.

Wesley Bett, the dog's owner, got enraged and struck the animal in the forehead with a stick. When Too collapsed, he was taken to Neema Medical Centre and then transferred to Eldama Ravine Sub County Hospital, where he was declared dead when he arrived, according to the police.

According to authorities, the attacker is still at large and efforts are being made to find him.

In another incident, a 25-year-old male was hospitalised with significant cuts after being attacked by a perpetrator in the Bulla Border Point neighbourhood of Mandera County.

Hassan Ibrahim Adan reported to police that on October 12, a man he knew attacked and slashed him for refusing to drink water.

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