Shock as Eldoret pastor found with 70 liters of chang'aa


• He was arrested by a team of police officers from the Moi's Bridge police station following an intensive search.

Image: The-Star

A pastor from Moi's Bridge, Uasin Gishu County was brought before the Eldoret court accused of possessing 70 litres of chang'aa.

The priest was found in possession of the illegal liquor on Monday and was detained in Eldoret prison after failing to post a Sh50,000 cash bail.

Isaac Tenge of the New Jerusalem Church was brought before the chief resident judge of Eldoret Rosemary Onkoba and charged with possession of alcohol whose ingredients were questionable.

The judge ordered that he be released on a cash bail of Sh50,000 or an alternative bond of Sh100,000 and one surety of the same amount.

The priest, however, did not have access to the money. Tenge was accused that on September 24, 2023, he was found in possession of illegal alcohol, popularly known as chang'aa, at his home in Moi's Bridge in Soy sub-county, Uasin Gishu county.

He was arrested by a team of police officers from the Moi's Bridge police station following a sting operation to stop the sale of illegal alcohol in the area.

Security officers raided the house of the servant of God following information from the public and took the illegal alcohol, an event that left the believers and residents of his church in shock and disbelief.

Pastor Tenge seemed abandoned by his group, as none of the members of the church were present in court except his wife and three children.

He denied the charges brought against him. The priest was put in a prison bus with other suspects and taken to Eldoret custody after failing to post bail.

Initially, the pastor claimed before the court that he suffered injuries resulting from the incident of being arrested by the officers and asked the court if he needed urgent treatment.

"Mr. Judge, the police officers beat my wife and me and caused physical harm to us. I need urgent treatment, the same for my wife," claimed the pastor. The case is estimated to be heard and mentioned on October 5 this year.

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