Businessman tears shirt and chases judge who sentenced him to 15 years jail term

• Thankfully, the quick intervention of the prosecutor and the court's warrant officer saved the judge.


Drama broke out in a court in Accra, Ghana after a businessman who had been accused was handed a 15-year prison sentence.

According to the Ghana News Agency, the man identified as Frank Kwesi Obeng revealed that he has been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

That's when he got angry and took off his shirt while running toward the judge who gave him the sentence with the aim of beating him.

"Please, why have you given me a 15-year prison sentence?" He then ran towards the judge, Mrs Evelyn Asamoah, it was reported.

Thankfully, the quick intervention of the prosecutor and court clearance officer saved the judge and he was quickly taken to his safe room while Obeng was led bare-chested and barefoot from the court.

Interestingly, Obeng's wife and co-accused, Joyce Safowaa, was also in the dock and was found guilty of conspiracy to steal, concealing a crime, and stealing GH712,229 [9,128,000 Kenyan shillings] from Mavis Toffan, the complainant.

Same with her husband, when Safowaa was informed that she must be imprisoned for 10 years and shouted, "God, I'm dreaming!" while crying and sitting in the chair, looking like she didn't believe.

Reports say many supporters who thronged the court also protested the decision, expressing their doubts about the claim of the petitioner.

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