Grade Three pupil rescued after being kidnapped by his class teacher

• The kidnappers had asked for a 10 million ransom.

• The student was kidnapped by his class teacher colluding with other suspects who have not yet been arrested.

Crime Scene Tape
Image: FILE

 A 9-year-old grade three pupil from Donholm, Nairobi County was rescued after being abducted by his teacher.

According to the DCI, the pupil's father had gone to fetch his son from school when he found him missing.

He was informed his son had left in the company of his Class teacher Erick Mosoti.

The father later received a Sh 10 million ransom demand prompting the father to make a report at Buruburu police station.

Efforts to trace the teacher proved futile.

A team of detectives drawn from the Nairobi Region Command in collaboration with colleagues from DCI Buruburu launched a thorough operation in Kayole Sabasaba area.

The operation led to the rescue of the minor who had been locked in a room believed to have been rented by another teacher namely George Odhiambo, who works in the same school with the main suspect.

The minor was immediately rescued and taken to hospital for medical checks as the operation continued.


Hours later a suspect namely Fredrick Odhiambo, was found making the demands for ransom in exchange for the minor's freedom.

A motorcycle, mobile phone, and other items believed to have been used in the commission of the heartless act were recovered and kept at exhibits as the operation continued to bring in the other suspects.

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