Man kills ex-wife, injure in-law in Makueni


•Police said the suspect escaped before neighbours responded to the scene. 

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

Police are investigating an incident in which a man allegedly killed his ex-wife and injured his brother-in-law in Mbooni East, Makueni County.

Police said the suspect had separated from his 30-year-old wife three months ago. 

According to police, the suspect went to his in-laws' home, where he found the woman and her brother on Monday, September 4.

He then attacked the man with a machete, leaving him with serious head injuries before killing his ex-wife with the same panga.

Police said the suspect escaped before neighbours responded to the scene. 

A hunt for the suspect is ongoing.

Meanwhile, the body of a female student was found in a thicket in a village in Tetu Constituency, Nyeri County.

The body of the 19-year-old girl was found about 800 metres from their home by locals heading to their farms.

Residents said they found the body dumped in a napier grass farm in Kamahoru village in the Wandumbi area.

The mysterious death of the Tetu Vocational College student, who was reportedly raped by unknown assailants, has sent fear across the village.

Locals urged police to conduct more patrols in the area.

They also called for the installation of security lights. Police said they are investigating the murder.

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