Churchill Show Comedian Eddie Butita Exposes Capital FM's Miss Mandii Badly!

Piece by: Kwarula Otieno

Remember that Chemistry teacher who told you that you'll either end up as thief or something of that sought? What would you do if you met him 7 years later and you're actually not badly off? Well, maybe thank him or tell him off. Churchill Show's Eddie Butita had a similar case with Capital FM's Miss Mandii. 

According to Eddie Butita, he reached out to Miss Mandii who back then was at Hits FM, requesting if it could be possible for him to co-host with the gifted radio presenter just like many other stations do. Unfortunately, it was not possible, but what the comedian says he didn't like; is the way she responded to his email.

At least someone believed in me, Never loose hope No matter what people say about you. This was back in 2013. Thanks to the almighty God. The best thing We Should pray for is The will to press on and never loose hope. Respect and humility will get us there.

Check out the screenshot below and let us know what you think.