Why Your Breakfast Will Make The Difference In Your Day!

Piece by: Mercy Gakii

Did you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Here in Africa, it is not given the importance it should. We are rushing to start the day, but on empty tummies! That is very risky. You could go really hungry and weak before long, as your sugar levels are really low.

On average, 40 to 50 per cent of children in Africa under five are either moderately or severely stunted. Reason? Lack of proper nutrition. This means lack of a high quality breakfast as well.

A good breakfast will give you better body weight maintenance, better performance and reduced risk of getting chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

A good breakfast could be tea with milk, accompanied with bread with Blueband spread on it. Plus a fruit. A good breakfast will keep children in school, and with great results!