Avoid Fake Apps: See The Guide To Downloading The Genuine Mpasho Mobile App For Android

Piece by: Harun Momanyi

It has come to our attention that there are fake Mpasho News apps already in existence in playstore. We would like to caution our readers against downloading them as they may compromise your phone security. They're also an illegal way of earning money that some 'developers' are employing. However, we got you covered.

For the best user experience, best news stories delivered straight to your Smartphone, here are the steps that you should take to get our FREE app:

1. Visit the

2. Download the app

3. Rate the app so that it tops over the fake ones.

This is how our genuine app looks like (notice the Radio Africa Platforms description on the app)

Here are some of the fake apps on the platform:

Fake App #1

Fake App #2

Fake App #3